Born: Established: 1840 ; Died: Ceased: 1894
Bayley placed an advertisement in the Sydney Morning Herald on 25 June and 2 July 1862 seeking subscriptions for the publication of a two-volume work: ‘Notes, Critical, Grammatical, and explanatory on La Gerusalemme Liberata, of Torquato Tasso; together with a Clavis, wherein is shown, by comparison of passages, the acceptation of many words and phrases not only in this, but also in other Italian Classic authors; followed by various Indexes, exhibiting at one view many peculiarities and licenses in Italian poetry’. He also sought subscriptions in 1868 for the four-part publication, to appear in six-monthly instalments, of a 'copious index to all the subject matter of Juvenal and Perius's Satires, with brief index notes, critical and mythological'. Neither of these works appears to have been published.
Sources: Sydney Morning Herald, 25 June 1862: 8 and the Empire, 2 December 1868: 1.