William Gourlay (International) assertion William Gourlay i(0 works by)
This international person is included in AustLit to identify a relationship with Australian literature.
Gender: Male
Visitor assertion Arrived in Australia: 1866
Heritage: Scottish
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The Scottish comedian William Gourlay performed with the Newcastle Theatre Royal Company in England prior to establishing his own company with his wife, Susan Goddard. With the family company (which included a son, John Gourlay) he devised 'Mrs M'Gregor's Levee', an entertainment which he brought to Australia in 1866, under an arrangement with George Selth Coppin, and which he later took to New Zealand and the US.

Gourlay's first performance of 'Mrs M'Gregor's Levee' in Australia was in Melbourne at the Polytechnic Hall on 1 October 1866.

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Last amended 24 Apr 2014 17:38:08
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