'This collection of short stories tell of Trev Brown's time as a teacher at the Angurugu School on Groote Eylandt in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Being a manual arts teacher Trev put his practical skills to good use. Even if you are not interested in things mechanical it is impossible to put the book down until you find out what happens to the outboard engine that he finds at the bottom of a river and struggles to get going. He tells of rebuilding boats and cars, modifications to his house, rivets falling from airplanes, Friday nights at the Bartalumba Bay Fishermen's Club and water-skiing in shark and crocodile-infested waters. Even the time he spent in the classroom had its share of excitement. Like the time an upset student arrived at school with his father's spears and a few ended up through the school doors. Another time parents had to scare off crocodiles and sharks from the nearby river so a swimming carnival could be held, as the residents of the nearby mining town did not want Aborigines using the local swimming pool. Trevs skillful writing keeps the reader amused as you discover how exciting a schoolteacher's life can be.' (Source: Publishers website)