List of episodes
1. A Man of Ideas (aired 26 August 1979)
'Ideas have always come easily to Peter Paget. All his life he has wrapped himself in a web of ideas and words. Now, at a crisis in his life, he discovers that he is trapped by his imagination, and madness may be the only escape. Stars John Gregg, Jane Harders, David Nettheim, Heather Christie, John Fitzgerald.' ([Television guide], Canberra Times, 24 August 1979, p.26)
2. A Man of Dreams (aired 2 September 1979)
'Warwick Lacey lives his dream — lives the life of an artist in the South of France. But an unexpected visitor forces him to accept that his life is a dream, which he must either justify, or watch fade away. Stars John Gaden, Jacqueline Knott, Yvonne Kolni.' ([Television guide], Canberra Times, 31 Auguat 1979, p.26)
3. A Man of Action (aired 9 September 1979)
'Nothing matters to Kenneth Reissel except the momentum of his life: to be working, to be chasing after grander and grander ambitions. The damage he may do on his way never concerns him, until one day, when it threatens everything that he has fought for. Stars Nick Tate, Carmen Duncan, Barbara Dennis, Vincent Ball, Max Osbiston.' ([Television guide], Canberra Times, 7 Sep. 1979, p.26)
4. A Family Man (aired 16 September 1979)
'Les Crimmond is a family man, and content with that. He has lingering ideals that have accompanied him from adolescence, but when confronted by a trial, he finds that the time has come to choose between the ideals of youth, and the realities of maturity. Stars Paul Mason, Jenny McNae, Moya O'Sutlivan, Arkie Whiteley, Campion Neville.' ([Television guide], Canberra Times, 14 September 1979, p.22)
5. Man of Mateship (aired 23 September 1979)
'Alan McGuire is a team player. But an incident in his past has sidelined him from life, and it is only a chance meeting that forces him to think again about the values of friends, of relationships, of mateship. Stars Kerry Francis, Ian Gilmour.' ([Television guide], Canberra Times, 21 September 1979, p.30)
6. The Men (aired 30 September 1979)