First produced at the Royalty Theatre, Soho, London, 12 August 1865. (Source: Nicoll, Allardyce. A History of English Drama 1660-1900. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966.)
Performed at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, July 1868; at the Royal Prince of Wales Opera House, Sydney, December 1868; and at the Albert Theatre, Lismore, January 1888.
An advertisement for the Prince of Wales Opera House production of James Pilgrim's The Limerick Boy on 3 December 1868. The performance was included in a three-night programme presented by Foley's Juvenile Troupe.
An advertisement for the Royal Victoria Theatre production of Dion Boucicault's Colleen Bawn and James Pilgrim's The Limerick Boy on 9 July 1868. The evening's performance was a benefit for the House of the Good Shepherd.
An advertisement for the Royal Victoria Theatre production of Dion Boucicault's Colleen Bawn and James Pilgrim's The Limerick Boy on 9 July 1868. The evening's performance was a benefit for the House of the Good Shepherd.
An advertisement for the Prince of Wales Opera House production of James Pilgrim's The Limerick Boy on 3 December 1868. The performance was included in a three-night programme presented by Foley's Juvenile Troupe.