y separately published work icon Antithesis periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2013... no. 23 2013 of Antithesis est. 1987 Antithesis
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* Contents derived from the , 2013 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Manchester 1963 : A Romance, Laura Woollett , single work short story (p. 35-36)
Prognosisi"'Hello?'", Dorothy Simmons , single work poetry (p. 54)
Cosmic Puppeteersi"Bass crunches", David Goodwin , single work poetry (p. 55)
Memory of S/kini"A caracal slips", Annerliegh Grace McCall , single work poetry (p. 56-57)
The Divide, Danushka Silva , single work short story (p. 58-64)
The Curtain Man, Marcella Polain , single work short story (p. 85-90)
Alice (From A Dinner at the Hyperion), Sari Smith , extract prose (p. 105-109)
Doppelgangeri"In the drink fridge's glass door, he saw her face rise", B. R. Dionysius , single work poetry (p. 110)
Yerongai"Always, the abandoned animals whinged like spoilt", B. R. Dionysius , single work poetry (p. 111)
The Body, Daniela Cortes del Castillo , single work short story horror (p. 112-119)