'Two actors researching a theatre project befriend a seemingly quiet and ordinary man named Adam. In reality, Adam’s unexceptional existence is carefully calibrated – a precarious sideways tightrope-walk over his mental illness. Now, Adam’s new friends are at risk of throwing his life dangerously off balance. And there’s every chance they’ll go down with him.
'Music offers a sharp critique of the way mental illness is perceived today and examines the dangerous consequences of raiding people’s personal lives in the name of art. A surprising and surprisingly funny story of people connecting and colliding, as two actors blunder their way into Adam’s life, causing untold damage to him as a result.
'Having delighted Griffin audiences with This Year’s Ashes in 2011, the world premiere of Music marks the return to Griffin of playwright Jane Bodie. Winner of the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award (2006) for A Single Act, Jane’s plays have been produced both nationally and internationally, including in London, New York and Brazil.' (Source Griffin Theatre Company website)
World premiere presented by Stories Like These and Griffin Independent, 2 - 26 April 2014.
Director: Corey McMahon.
Designer: Pip Runciman.
Lighting Designers: Verity Hampson & Benjamin Brockman.
Composer and Sound Designer: Nate Edmondson.
Stage Manager: Angharad Lindley.
Cast: Anthony Gee, Sam O’Sullivan, Kate Skinner, and Tom Stokes.