Episode one aired on 8 September 1993.
Episode thirteen aired on 18 November 1993.
List of episodes:
1. Dams, Schemes and Damn Schemes (Roger Simpson)
2. Mick's Cafe (Vincent Gil)
3. Beware Of Snakes And Spiders (David Boutland)
4. The Belly of the Beast (Roger Simpson and Graeme Koetsveld)
5. Shadows In The Dark (David Allen)
6. Blood Rush (Peter Kinloch)
7. Lilian (Katherine Thomson)
8. Song of the Siren (Vincent Gil)
9. Sweetheart, Sweet Oblivion (Robyn Sinclair)
10. High Claim, Higher Title (David Boutland)
11. Codes of Conduct (David Allen)
12. Love's Rocky Road (Mac Gudgeon)
13. Farewell, My Love (Roger Simpson)