'An Australian Air Force base patrolled by werewolves. A planet where wages are paid in luck. A future where copies are made of criminals to interpret their dark dreams. A medieval cavalry of mothers who are only permitted to take as many lives as they have created.
'In every world, an imbalance of power. Something terribly askew between women and men, humans and wolves, citizens and constructs, light and dark.
'In every world, asymmetry.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
Yokine : Twelfth Planet Press , 2012'This volume collects 28 stories by Lee Battersby, Deborah Biancotti, Trudi Canavan, Robert G. Cook, Rowena Cory Daniells, Terry Dowling, Thoraiya Dyer, Marion Halligan, Dmetri Kakmi, David Kernot, Margo Lanagan, S.G. Larner, Martin Livings, Kirstyn McDermott, Claire McKenna, C.S. McMullen, Juliet Marillier, David Thomas Moore, Faith Mudge, Ryan O'Neill, Angela Rega, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Nicky Rowlands, Carol Ryles, Angela Slatter, Anna Tambour, Kaaron Warren, and Janeen Webb.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
Nedlands : Ticonderoga Publications , 2014