An advertisement for the Prince of Wales Opera House production of George Colman's Heir at Law and John Pratt Wooler's A Model Husband on 5 March 1868.
An advertisement for the last six nights of Walter Montgomery's 'royal recitals' at the School of Arts.
An advertisement for An Essay on the Times; or, The Morning and the Evening Are the Sixth Day by J. Godfrey, published by Henry Thomas.
An advertisement for T. P. Hill's 'readings and recitations' at the Christ Church School-Room on 5 March 1868.
A short notice referring to T. P. Hill's 'choice selection of readings and recitations'. The program included: 'Charles Dickens's graphic description of the death of Jo, the crossing sweeper, the witnesses confounded by O'Connell, and the not very well known by highly amusing story of King John and the Abbot of Canterbury'.