An advertisement for the Prince of Wales Opera House production of Charles Dance's A Morning Call and John Maddison Morton's To Paris and Back for Five Pounds and Box and Cox on 29 February 1868.
'The proceeds [of the performance] will be devoted to supplement the fund established by the Hon. George Coppin to found a Dramatic College in Australia, by the addition of a House to be called The Duke of Edinburgh Cottage.'
An advertisement for a series of 'royal recitals' presented by Walter Montgomery at the School of Arts.
An advertisement for An Essay on the Times; or, The Morning and the Evening Are the Sixth Day by J. Godfrey, published by Henry Thomas.
The 'Flaneur' deals with two subjects in [his] weekly column: a suggestion for dealing with recent inter-personal conflicts in the Legislative Assembly, and an overview of recently published literature. The titles discussed are: Oliver Wendell Holmes's Guardian Angel, The Savage Club Papers, and George Augustus Sala's Notes and Sketches of the Paris Exhibition.