The Disappearing is an innovative new [free] app for iPhone, iPad and Android that (literally) explores poetry and place. Transform the world around you with new poems by some of Australia's finest poets, who've created a poetic map charting traces, fragmentary histories, impressions and memories.
Beginning with a collection of over 100 poems about Sydney, The Disappearing will stretch across Australia during 2012. Along with previously unpublished poetry, The Disappearing features exclusive videos of readings and interviews with poets. Users can upload their own poems to The Disappearing, preserving ideas, emotions and experiences about their own environment that vanish over time (publisher blurb sighted 5/9/2012).
Sydney : The Red Room Company , 2012'This eBook arises from the Poets Speak up to Adani Day of Action and includes the poets who took part that day and many more.' (Introduction)
Seaford : Rosslyn Avenue Productions , 2018 pg. 15