y separately published work icon The Empire newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1868... no. 5043 18 January 1868 of The Empire est. 1850 The Empire
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* Contents derived from the 1868 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
A Military Novel, single work review (p. 2)
Australian Library, single work column

A note on the farewell recitals of Miss Aitken and Mr T. P. Hill at the Australian Library, Bent Street, Sydney.

(p. 4)
Penny Readings, single work column (p. 4)
Review: The Oratorical Trainer, single work review
— Review of The Oratorical Trainer : A System of Vocal Culture Thomas Padmore Hill , 1862 single work non-fiction ;
(p. 4)
The Flaneur in Sydney, 'The Flaneur in Sydney' , single work prose satire (p. 5)
The Old Bookkeeperi"It was an ancient bookkeeper", G. Cooper , single work poetry (p. 5)
Phillip M'Carroll, Pitt Streeti"The years that M'Carroll has now been in trade,", single work poetry (p. 7)
A Dramatic Performance : Phormio of Terence, &c., single work advertisement

An advertisement for a performance 'by the members of the University for the entertainment of his Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh'. Plays performed: Phormio of Terence (in Latin) and Molière's Monsieur de Pourceaugnac (in French).

(p. 8)
Mr T. P. Hill and Miss Aitken in Their Farewell Recitals, single work advertisement (p. 8)
Note: This version of the advertisement includes the full program for evening of 18 January 1868. Authors whose works are recited include Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe, Alfred Lord Tennyson and 'Thomas Ingoldsby'.
Prince of Wales Opera House : Dominique the Deserter, Or, The Gentleman in Black, &c., single work advertisement (p. 8)
John Sands, Bookseller and Stationer, single work advertisement (p. 8)
New Publications, Ex Steamer : Bombay, single work advertisement

An advertisement for various books for sale by W. R. Piddington. The titles are mostly by English authors and include Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer's Historical Characters.

(p. 8)
[Professor Burnett]i"Who can with Professor Burnett compare,", single work poetry (p. 8)
Moore's Australian Almanac, single work advertisement

An advertisement for the 1868 edition of Moore's Australian Almanac and Handbook.

(p. 8)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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