y separately published work icon A Time to Write anthology   poetry   prose  
Alternative title: Tiempo de Letras
Issue Details: First known date: 2013... 2013 A Time to Write
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  • Dedication:

    En memoria de los escritores, Norma Ábrego, Gilbert Ojeda, Sergio Mouat y Eduardo Parodi, almas hermosas que dejaron una profunda huella en nuestras vidas.

    In memory of the writers, Norma Ábrego, Gilbert Ojeda, Sergio Mouat y Eduardo Parodi, beautiful souls that have left a deep impression in our lives.


* Contents derived from the Sydney, New South Wales,:Palabras , 2013 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
A Faraway Country, Gladis Alegre , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work prose (p. 14-16; 184-186)
The Miracle, Gladis Alegre , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work short story (p. 17-20; 187-190)
To the Poeti"Evoke the winged bird of your dreams, poet=Evoca al pájaro alado de tus sueños, poeta", Etel Álvarez , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 22-23; 192-193)
Parnassusi"When I wish to write a poem=Cuando deseo escribir una poema", Etel Álvarez , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 23-24; 193-194)
Angel of the Rudderi"Jessica, little Jessica of unparallel value=Jéssica, pequeña Jéssica", Etel Álvarez , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 25; 195)
A Sad Little Girli"She was a sad little girl,=Era una niña triste,", Etel Álvarez , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 26-27; 196-197)
To the Wharfi"Each day, each dawn,=Mis pasos lentos,", Etel Álvarez , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 28-29; 198-199)
Note: With first line: Mis pasos lentos me guían al puerto
Mother of So Manyi"Mother of many=Madre de tantos,", Etel Álvarez , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 29-30; 199-200)
Musici"Music emerges slowly,=La música va surgiendo", Maria Julia Bugallo , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 32; 202)
To My Loveri"Your waving hair,=Tu cabellera ondulada,", Maria Julia Bugallo , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 33; 203)
Dawni"Dawn in my city=Madrugada en mi ciudad", Maria Julia Bugallo , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 34; 204)
To Fall in Lovei"Your kisses have remained=Tus besos se me han quedado", Maria Julia Bugallo , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 35-36; 205-206)
Note: With first line: Tus besos se han quedado
Lifei"Today I realized that life has passed...=Hoy fui dándome cuenta, de la vida que ha pasado...", Maria Julia Bugallo , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 36; 206)
Returni"How do bells toll=¡Cómo tañen las campanas", Maria Julia Bugallo , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 37; 207)
I Wonderi"After you were=Después de que eras", Maritza Campusano , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 40; 210)
Gypsy Partyi"Down there by the poplar grove=Allá abajo, en la alameda", Maritza Campusano , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 40-41; 210-211)
Grandmother's Prayeri"It is night time=Es de noche.", Maritza Campusano , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 42-43; 212-213)
Song of the Time That Passes Byi"Couples at the party=Van de vueltas y revueltas", Maritza Campusano , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 43-44; 213-214)
Peace and Wari"I have arrived to this stone desert.=He llegado a este desierto de piedra.", Maritza Campusano , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 44-45; 214-215)
I Am the Womani"I am the one that transforms the house into a home,=Soy la que transforma la casa en hogar,", Maritza Campusano , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 45-46; 215-216)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Language: English , Spanish

Works about this Work

Se presentó la antología 'Tiempo de Letras' 2013 single work column
— Appears in: Hontanar , December no. 177 2013; (p. 12)
Se presentó la antología 'Tiempo de Letras' 2013 single work column
— Appears in: Hontanar , December no. 177 2013; (p. 12)
Last amended 15 May 2014 10:49:26