Aborigines, History and Colonialism (HUMS 2010)
Semester 2 / 2012


Aboriginal Australians!$!Broome, R!$!!$!!$!


Course aim

To provide an understanding of the colonisation of Aboriginal Australia, the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people and the effects of legislation relevant to Aboriginal people.

Course content

The nature of “history”, Australia before colonisation; British occupation of the continent; changing ideologies, 1770s-1880s; social theory; accommodation and resistance; Indigenous employment; from segregation to assimilation; the emergence of an Indigenous political voice; the beginnings of change.


Review, 500wds - 20%; Tutorial Paper, 2000wds - 40%; Essay, 2000wds - 40%.

Other Details

Offered in: 2010, 2009
Current Campus: City West
Levels: Undergraduate