Alternative title: Poesía DesVelada : antología bilingüe de poesía y prosa poética
Issue Details: First known date: 2011... 2011 UnVeiled Poetry : Bilingual Anthology of Poetry and Prose
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  • Epigraph: Y miró a sus marineros y dijo: '¿Y qué les he traído? Era yo un cazador en tierras lejanas. Con puntería y fuerza gasté las doradas flechas que ellos me habían dado, pero no he traído cazo alguna. No fui detrás de las flechas. Tal vez ahora estén brillando al sol en alas de águilas heridas que no van a caer a la tierra. Y tal vez las puntas de las flechas hayan caído en manos de aquellos que tenían necesidad de ellas para conseguir pan y vino. No sé dónde gastaron su vuelo, pero esto sé: trazaron su curva en el cielo.' – Khalil Gibran, El Jardin del Profeta

    And he looked at his sailors and said: 'What have I brought you? I was a hunter in faraway lands. With strength and aim I spent the golden arrows that they had given me, but I have not brought any game. I did not go after the arrows. Maybe now they are shining in the sun, inserted in injured eagles that will not fall on the land. And maybe the arrows' tips have fallen on the hands of those who needed them to get bread and wine. I do not know where they drew their flight, but I am sure of this: they drew their curve on the sky.' – Khalil Gibran The Garden of the Prophet

  • The poems appear in Spanish in the first half of the book, and English in the second.


* Contents derived from the Willoughby, Chatswood - Gordon - Castlecrag area, Sydney Northern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales,:Cervantes Publishing , 2011 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
At Dawni"Oh, those who having left,=¡Ay, los que habiéndose ido,", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 11, 61)
Absencei"I would like=Quisiera", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 12-13, 62-63)
Party of Wordsi"Words are born,=Las palabras brotan,", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 14-15, 64-65)
Compañero de la vida "I remember you=Te recuerdo," Mate of Lifei"I remember you", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator) single work poetry (p. 16-17, 66-67)
Plateada novia de los mares "When I see you up in the sky=Cuando te veo en el cielo" Silvery Bride of the Seai"When I see you up in the sky at sunrise,", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator) single work poetry (p. 18-19, 68)
Tanglei"Black strokes,=Trazos negros,", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 20-21, 69-70)
The Foresti"Tall, erect trees, searching,=Árboles altos, erguidos, buscando,", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 22-23, 71-72)
Nothing but a Few Tearsi"In this perfect day=En este día perfecto", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 24-25, 73-74)
You...i"You possess him=Lo posees", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 26-27, 75-76)
Transformingi"Yesterday she was almost a child=Ayer", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 28-29, 77-78)
Más palabras "Words sprout,=Las palabras brotan," Palabras... Words...i"Words sprout", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator) single work poetry (p. 30-33, 79-81)
Because You Love Mei"and while you love me=y mientras me amas", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 34, 82)
Sometimesi"Sometimes=A veces", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 35, 83)
Light versus Darknessi"Neither the quiet and sweet=Ni las reposadas y dulces luces de las candelas", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 36-38, 84-86)
Facesi"Today I went out to search for my face.=Hoy salí a buscar mi rostro.", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 39, 89)
In the Cityi"Today I don't want to run.=Hoy no quiero correr...", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 40, 95)
I Have the Besti"I have the best ones=Tengo a los mejores", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 41, 90)
Hojitas de otoño... "Autumn leaves, brought by the winds=traídos por los vientos" Autumn Leavesi"Autumn leaves, brought by the winds", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator) single work poetry (p. 42-43, 91-92)
To Marcelloi"I know you will leave,=Yo sé que te irás,", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 44-45, 93-94)
Maybei"Maybe you weren't=Tú no eras,", Edilia Vidal , Edilia Vidal (translator), single work poetry (p. 46, 96)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Language: Spanish , English
Last amended 8 Jan 2014 10:52:41