'You live at the remote edge of a civilisation in economic free-fall, about to destroy itself in a nuclear war.
(Like anyone, you'd rather not think about that.)
You live in one of the most corrupt cities on the planet, under a state government elected by a minority who mostly live elsewhere.
Again, you'd rather be having fun. Maybe making some noise.
Except the government has significantly expanded the powers of the police to stop you.
Also, all the computers are owned by corporations, and all the phones are tied to the wall.
It's 1979.
Love you, Brisbane.' (Publisher's blurb)
Performed at Brisbane's !Metro Arts, Elbow Room: 20 November - 7 December 2013.
Director: Marcel Dorney
Performers: Kathryn Marquet, Anthony Standish, Anna Straker & Steve Toulmin
Designer : Madeline Taylor
Original Music Composition & Arrangement : Marcel Dorney with Steve Toulmin
Music Consultant : Guy Webster