Issue Details: First known date: 1887... 1887 Tit-Bits, from All the Most Interesting Books, Periodicals, and Newspapers in the World
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

The British magazine Tit-Bits was launched in London by George Newnes and 'established a model of rewriting material from many sources, using cheap newsprint and selling in volume. It was quite open about this - the masthead proclaimed "From all the most interesting books, periodicals and contributors in the world".'

The British edition was published from 1881 to 1984. Its content included news items, sketches, anecdotes and jokes.

Source: Magforum website: 'Tit-Bits/Titbits',

Sighted: 05/11/2013


  • No Australian libraries record holdings on the National Library of Australia's Trove service of the Australasian issues of this magazine. (Correct as of 5 November 2013.)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 1887
Australasian edition of George Newnes' London publication.

PeriodicalNewspaper Details

3 September 1887 - 24 November 1894
Quarto ; 16 to 20 pages
Last amended 11 Nov 2013 09:51:52
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