Genres in Cultural Context (GCST2606)
Semester 2 / 2011


This unit introduces students to some theories of genre and to textual examples of specified genres. Several genres will be studied; possible examples may include romance, soap opera, sci-fi, horror, the musical, music video, and reality TV. Examples will be drawn from different media and from both popular and "high" culture. Key themes will include the place of gender in genre and the role of textual conventions in structuring meaning.


participation (15%), 1xgroup presentation with 500wd precis (15%), 2xjournals (totalling 800 words) (20%), 1x1000wd paper (25%), 1x1500wd paper or creative project (25%)

Other Details

Offered in: 2009
Current Campus: Camperdown/Darlington
Levels: Undergraduate