Australian Theatre, Film and Learning (EDUF3034)
Semester 1, Semester 2 / 2011


This unit of study examines the nature of theatre and film in Australian cultural and educational settings. A particular focus will be placed on theatre and film for and by young people, and the range of learning that takes place through young people's engagement in, and appreciation of, theatre and film. In addition, the role and nature of Australian film and theatre will be placed within an international context so that students can examine the international forces influencing Australian culture. Indigenous issues in Australian Film and Theatre will be examined. Australian Theatre, Film and Learning will provide first hand experiences of Australian films and theatre performances through field trips to significant theatre performances and festivals, Australian school performances and the viewing of Australian films. Students enrolled in this unit will incur a levy to cover any additional costs.


1x 1000wd media review (20%) and 1x 2500wd film deconstruction (40%) and 1x 2500wd theatre essay (40%)

Other Details

Offered in: 2009
Levels: Undergraduate