
In Cold Blood!$!Truman Capote!$!Harmondsworth!$!Penguin!$!2000
y separately published work icon Sydney Delia Falconer , Sydney : NewSouth Publishing , 2010 Z1729705 2010 single work prose (taught in 3 units) 'Sydney has always been the sexiest and most gaudy of our cities. In this book, the third in a series in which leading Australian authors write about their hometowns, novelist Delia Falconer conjures up its sandstone, humidity, and jacarandas. But she goes beyond these to find a far more complex city: beautiful, violent, half-wild, and at times deeply spiritual. It is a slightly unreal place, haunted by a past that it has never quite grasped, or come to terms with. Here, in her first non-fiction book, she proves herself an adept memoirist. She twines the stories of the people that have made Sydney the twenty-first century city it is today. Mad clergymen, amateur astronomers, Indigenous weather experts, crims and victims, photographers and artists: their stories are surprising, funny, and moving.' (From the publisher's website.)


Non-fiction writing takes many forms, and each of these has its own generic conventions, limitations and potentials. This subject explores the similarities and differences between such genres as the essay, technical and scientific writing, writing history (and recording oral histories), travel writing, cultural criticism and feature journalism. In any one semester, the genres considered depend on the availability of expert staff and on student interest.

Subject objectives/outcomes

At the completion of this subject, students are expected to be able to:

1. produce a biographical piece which conforms to what is expected of contemporary biographical narratives with the

2. appropriate use and acknowledgment of a wide number of sources

3. demonstrate depth of research in writing biographical and travel narratives

4. bring focused critical skills to bear on their own and other's non-fiction narratives

5. produce a piece of travel writing with a strong narrative combined with personal reflections and observations.


Assessment item 1: Biographical Sketch 40%; Assessment item 2: Non-Fiction Seminar 20%; Assessment item 3: Travel Writing 40%

Supplementary Texts

Lee Gutkind - The Art of Creative Nonfiction, Wiley and Sons, 1997

Barbara Lounsberry - The Art of Fact: Contemporary Artists of Nonfiction, Greenwood Press, 1990

Norman Sims Literary Journalism in the Twentieth Century, OUP, 1990

Other Details

Offered in: 2009
Current Campus: City campus
Levels: Postgraduate