

It is important for you to gain knowledge of Australian cultural and literary practice.


This unit aims to improve your analytical, as well as oral and written communication skills.


On completion of this unit you would be able to:

1. Read, understand and critically appreciate the diversity of Australian writing within Australia's literary history;

2. Understand and evaluate the ways in which social values and political and artistic movements inform and impact upon the production of literature;

3. Consider and investigate the dichotomy between mainstream writing and marginalized writing within the Australian context;

4. Consider and investigate the dichotomy between mainstream writing and marginalized writing within the Australian context;

5. Produce a series of writings and an oral seminar of a critical and creative nature based on a comprehensive analysis of the set texts.


This unit provides you with opportunities to read, explore, discuss and critically evaluate a number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous texts written and published in Australia, in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Upon completing this unit, you will be able to understand and critically engage with fictional texts pertinent to Australian culture, history and society.

Approaches to Teaching and Learning

This unit provides you with opportunities to read, explore, discuss and critically evaluate a number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous texts written and published in Australia, in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Upon completing this unit, you will be able to understand and critically engage with fictional texts pertinent to Australian culture, history and society.



You will receive formative feedback on your progress in this unit during tutorials and discussions throughout the semester

Weight: 0%


ASSESSMENT 1: Summative and Formative

Type: Tutorial Exercise

Description: You are required to lead a tutorial discussion.

Weight: 20%

Relates to Objective/s: 1, 4 & 5

Approximate due date: Ongoing throughout semester

ASSESSMENT 2: Summative and Formative

Type: Major Assignment

Description: One research essay of 2500 words on a topic of your choice.

Weight: 50%

Relates to Objective/s: 1, 3, 4 & 5

Approximate due date: End of semester

ASSESSMENT 3: Summative

Type: Examination

Description: Journal of responses to lectures and texts. You are required to keep a journal of reflective and analystical responses to set tasks.

Weight: 30%

Relates to Objective/s: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Approximate due date: End semester during Exam Period

Other Details

Offered in: 2008
Current Campus: Kelvin Grove