This unit aims to:
- familiarise you with the scope, challenges, philosophy and practices of writing a sustained creative work.
- enable you to develop an original and engaging novel
- develop your editorial skills
- provide you with a constructive and critical workshop experience in a blended learning environment
support you in developing a critical understanding of a professional writer's praxis, and use your critical engagement to further develop your own skills.
On completion of this unit you should be able to:
1. understand and engage with the novel as a literary form
2. critically understand a professional writer's writing praxis
3. critically understand your own novel writing praxis
4. produce a significant portion of an original novel
This unit includes face-to-face and electronic learning environments designed to develop professional reading, editing and writing skills. The unit will enhance skills needed to develop, research, write and submit a novel to a professional agent or publisher.
Description: (Summative with Formative) A chapter of a novel. Length: 5000-7,000 word novel extract + synopsis (about 500 words)
Relates to objectives: 1, 3 & 4
Weight: 60%
Due date: End of Semester
Assessment name: Folio
Description: (Summative with Formative) An exegetical detailing your creative and critical influences. Length: 1500 words
Relates to objectives: 2, 3 & 4
Weight: 40%
Due date: End of Semester
Assessment name: Editorial Critique
Description: (Formative) A multi-phase assessment based on 3 requirements:
i.submission of your own work for peer assessment, at least 3 times during the semester and engaged participation in small-group editorial discussions, including preparation and submission of critiques, and and engaged participation in group discussions and in-class writing exercises.
Relates to objectives: 2, 3 & 4
Due date: Throughout Semester