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Issue Details: First known date: 2012... 2012 Decendance : The Movie
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'A powerful true story that takes us from the central desert of Australia to the slums of Sydney on a heartbreak search where dreamtime takes us across three continents where magic happens and the dreaming of an ancient people comes true.'

'This film shows how by using their culture wonderful things can be achieved in this modern world. Its also about the plight and struggles of the Indigenous and in particular one man’s journey to overcome his demons, and how through love redemption can be found.

'This story is about triumph of the spirit. It’s about courage, and trusting your path in life. If you follow your heart you follow your bliss. These are but a few elements in this film. It’s a very layered story that gives us an insight into the urban Aboriginal people, their survival of love and dreams, impossible dreams that belong in the fantasy world. Then Kurung arrives in search of his sister, following the visions of his deceased grandfather that leads him to the dance group.'

'Kurung is torn between the dance group and his quest to find his sister. It’s here he agonises over the path he must take bringing with it an insight into why his journey is so. It’s when he digs deep into his culture that the group’s dreams from the fantasy world become a reality.'

'Descendance is a powerful heartfelt story that takes us into the oldest living culture, a story of emotional strength, a story that provides closure to those who have been plagued by their past, a closure that brings with it joy and triumph.'(Source: Descendance: The Movie website)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Works about this Work

Decendance: The Movie Kate Munro , 2013 single work review
— Appears in: Tracker , September vol. 3 no. 26 2013; (p. 66-67)
Decendance: The Movie Kate Munro , 2013 single work review
— Appears in: Tracker , September vol. 3 no. 26 2013; (p. 66-67)
Last amended 19 Aug 2014 13:57:22