Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have
1. furthered their understanding of the art of creative reading - the ability to identify a good text and use it as a creative model;
2. furthered their ability to analyse literary texts in a coherent way;
3. acquired a deeper knowledge of the different genres, literary tradition and forms;
4. learned more about the mechanics of a good poem, a compelling narrative and creative nonfiction;
5. been exposed to an array of voices from the local to the global and start to develop their own voice;
6. have been acquainted with contemporary developments in their area of specialization.
Course Content:
This course takes students on further explorations in their genre of specialization. Contemporary and postmodern formations will be examined to apprise students of new creative possibilities. Students will revisit the traditions and forms encountered in earlier courses and learn how contemporary movements dismantle and reassemble them into new structures. Students will also learn to revise their portfolios as a collection and work on making them publishable. Particular attention will be paid to
* contemporary developments in poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction;
* comparing local and foreign voices;
* deepening knowledge of forms and traditions of each genre;
* developing a coherent collection of poetry or prose;
* rewriting and editing;
* the skills and techniques of major writers;
* discovering literary exemplars to inspire students.
Reflective essay: 1000 words (30%)
Workshop journal (minimum 8 entries) (20%)