Lucy Van Lucy Van i(6482219 works by)
Gender: Female
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'Lucy Van has been a researcher in postcolonial poetry, an editor for Mascara Literary Review and a board member for Peril: Asian Australian Arts and Culture magazine.

Most Referenced Works

Personal Awards

2024 winner The Woollahra Digital Literary Award Non-fiction for 'Agent of the Year' (Liminal).
2020 recipient City of Melbourne COVID-19 Arts Grants

Awards for Works

y separately published work icon The Open Melbourne : Cordite Press , 2021 20959304 2021 selected work poetry

'The old hill near where I grew up was outwardly ruined: its pines were dead, its vines gone to seed and its sheds, which once held some purpose, sunk and rusted. With my immature logic I considered this place open and powerful, even though the land was enclosed by a wire fence and fallow from overcultivation and neglect. Like other places in the world, the traces of colonial settlement here held dull, sour feelings. The entire place seemed displaced from itself; maybe nothing could belong there.

'Writing these poems has something to do with being in lands like this. As a child that hill gave me my first feeling of personal privacy, even though it was open, even though it was fenced for someone else, and perhaps because the fence was there. The poems here express indignation at the eventual consequences of privacy. Yet, equally, privacy fascinates me. Equally, fences fascinate me – their lines, their tensions, their bending. I am not the first to say that poetry is a form of enclosure, but I want to say it here again, anyway. I love how permeable this form of enclosure can be. In the same way, I loved how the fence around that private hill would bend as I moved through it.

'–Lucy Van'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

2022 shortlisted ASAL Awards Mary Gilmore Award for a First Book of Poetry
2021 highly commended Anne Elder Award
2022 longlisted The Stella Prize
Last amended 5 Aug 2020 08:59:16
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