Three actors, [John] Lazar, Miss Lazar and M. Munyard, have been added 'to the strength of the company at the Royal Victoria Theatre'. The Gazette regrets that Mrs Larra, 'the oldest member of the dramatic profession in either of the Colonies, and decidedly the most talented in her line of business' has not yet 'met with an engagement'.
Meredith the comedian and his wife arrived from Hobart Town 30 March 1838.
An advertisement in the form of an apology to the public for the closure of the Theatre Royal, Sydney.
The advertisement is by Sarah Levey, 'the Widow of the late Barnett Levey' and is dated 29 March 1838.
Advertisement for the auction of paper.
Advertisement for 'a steady man to take out the Sydney Gazette Newspaper on the Mornings of Publication - he will also be required as a Messenger, etc for the Office.' The advertisement is dated 30 March 1838 and appeared in subsequent issues to 7 April 1838. The advertisement, dated 16 April, reappeared in the issue of 17 April 1838.
Advertisement for performance on 2 April 1838 of William Shakespeare's 'play, in five Acts, entitled The Merchant of Venice’; 'To conclude with the laughable Farce, in one Act, called No!'.
The advertisement advises that 'the Public is most respectfully informed that Mr. and Miss Lazar, and Mr. Munyard, are engaged at this Theatre, and will make their first appearance here on Monday Evening [April 2nd, 1838].'
The advertisement is inserted by ‘T. Simes, Acting Manager’ and ‘J. Lazar, Stage Manager’
Advertisement for performance at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, on 29 March 1838 of: ‘Tobin’s admired comedy, in 5 Acts, entitled the Honey Moon' [John Tobin, 1805]; 'To conclude with for the first time in this Colony, the admired Farce in 2 Acts, entitled The King’s Command, or, All for Love'
This performance is repeated on the 31 March 1838.