Literary material in this issue outside AustLit scope:
Serialisation of: The Paria: A Tale of Eastern India, Illustrative of Its History
Author: Unattributed
Instalment number: 6 [Final]
Pagination: 4
Web resource:
Advertisement for a performance at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, on 23 June 1838 to include the 'laughable Farce, in two Acts, entitled the Honest Thieves', the 'interlude, in one Act, called Advice Gratis' and the 'Comic Drama, entitled The Perigrinations of Pickwick'.
Advertisement for performances on 25 June 1838 at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, 'Under the Distinguished Patronage and by the command of Captain Bethane and the Officers of Her Majesty's Ship "Conway"' of the 'Historical Melo-Drama, entitled The King and the Deserter', the 'Musical Farce, entitled Mrs. G.–' and the 'favorite Burletta, called One Hour; or, The Carnival Ball.
Advertisement for: Various books for sale including works by Byron, Shakespeare, Pierce Egan and Burns.
Advertisement for sale by public auction: 'the select LAW LIBRARY of a Gentleman, and a choice collection of Books, comprising the most esteemed Authors'.