Advanced Narrative Writing (57041)
Semester 1, Semester 2 / 2010


Self-editing for Fiction Writers!$! R. Brown and D. King!$! New York!$! Harper Perennial!$! 1994
The Art of Fiction!$! David Lodge !$! Harmondsworth !$! Penguin!$! 1992


This subject emphasises narrative development, with close attention to the relationship between structure and content in traditional and experimental fiction. Craft skills appropriate to narrative writing are developed through exercises and sustained work on pieces of fiction, along with consideration of principles of editing and revision. The focus of the class is the students' own work. A range of narrative writing is read and discussed, integrating practical work with critical reflection on the processes of narrative writing. This is a core subject for postgraduate writing students and is suitable for students in other areas wishing to develop their writing through exercises and sustained work.

Subject objectives/outcomes

At the completion of this subject, students are expected to:

a. Be able to produce an extended piece of narrative fiction

b. Bring focused critical skills to bear on their own and other's fiction narratives

c. Develop original ideas in narrative form

d. Understand how to revise and edit their own work

e. Have developed some level of reading knowledge in relation to a variety of narrative forms


Assessment item 1: Minor Assignments: 600-700 word exercises

Objective(s): a, b, c

Weighting: 30%

Task: To write several short narrative pieces and workshop them in class.

Assessment criteria:

* Capacity to realise set task

* Inventiveness and originality of writing.

Assessment item 2: Research seminar: 10 minute seminar on a narrative text, either a short story or novel

Objective(s): b, e

Weighting: 20%

Task: To present an analysis of one page from a chosen fictional text.

Assessment criteria:

* Insight and originality in discussion of chosen material

* Capacity to extrapolate in relation to writing practice.

Assessment item 3: 3000 word narrative

Objective(s): a, c, d

Weighting: 50%

Task: To write an extended narrative piece worked through the necessary re-writes, class discussions and editorial changes.

Assessment criteria:

* Inventiveness and accomplishment of writing style

* Originality of idea

* Dramatic and suspenseful structuring of work.

Minimum requirements

Students are expected to read the subject outline to ensure they are familiar with the subject requirements. Since class discussion and participation in activities form an integral part of this subject, you are expected to attend, arrive punctually and actively participate in classes. If you experience difficulties meeting this requirement, please contact your lecturer. Students who have a reason for extended absence (e.g., illness) may be required to complete additional work to ensure they achieve the subject objectives.

Other Details

Offered in: 2009
Levels: Postgraduate