The Night Swimmer single work   short story   young adult   horror  
Issue Details: First known date: 2012... 2012 The Night Swimmer
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Trust Me Too Paul Collins (editor), Ormond : Ford Street , 2012 Z1846099 2012 anthology poetry short story children's young adult adventure crime fantasy romance science fiction (taught in 1 units)

    'Trust Me Too comprises work from over 50 of Australia's leading children's authors and illustrators. Separated into genres such as crime, adventure, romance, science fiction and fantasy, it truly covers all aspects of the classical anthology. It contains fiction, illustrations, poetry and graphics.

    Contributors include a prequel to Obernewtyn by Isobelle Carmody, stories from many other writers including Jack Heath, Oliver Phommavanh, James Roy, Gary Crew, Margaret Clark, Phil Kettle, Michael Gerard Bauer, poems from writers such as Lorraine Marwood, Sofie Laguna and Michael Wagner, and illustrations from artists such as Shaun Tan, Leigh Hobbs, Mark Wilson and Marc McBride.' Source: Ford Street Publishing.

    Ormond : Ford Street , 2012
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