Objective(s): a, b, d
Weighting: 30%
Length: 1,000 words
Task: To write one 1,000 word piece in relation to a specific fictional form, and then redraft, taking into consideration critical feedback from workshopping.
Assessment criteria:
* Accomplishment of narrative
* Inventiveness and originality of writing
* Integration of critical feedback
* Level of informed and creative exchange
Assessment item 2: Critical presentation
Objective(s): b, c, e
Weighting: 20%
Task: To present a short analysis of a fictional form in class, placing it within the context of a general overview of fictional forms, and submit a one-page summary.
Assessment criteria:
* Insight and originality in discussion of chosen material
* Level of critical analysis
* Level of informative and creative exchange
* Timely use of UTS Online
Assessment item 3: Major Narrative or Equivalent in Selected Fictional Form
Objective(s): a, b, e
Weighting: 50%
Task: To write a 2500 word narrative in the form of a short story or the beginning of a novella or approximately ten pages of a screenplay and to workshop it online and in class. Students are expected to: - Participate in UTS on-line and in class peer-to-peer assessment to redraft 2500 word narrative or approximately ten pages of a screenplay - Post a draft of narrative on UTS online - Read as allocated one other person's draft on-line - Create comments to give and exchange in class and on-line
Assessment criteria:
* Inventiveness, originality and consistency of writing
* Structure of work
* Integration of self-assessment and critical feedback
* Level of informative and creative exchange
* Timely use of UTS Online