
y separately published work icon Child's Play David Malouf , New York (City) : Vintage , 1999 Z943097 1981 single work novella (taught in 5 units) 'In the streets of an ordinary Italian town, the people go about their everyday lives. In an old apartment block above them, a young man pores over photographs and plans, dedicated to his life's most important project. Day by day, in imagination, he is rehearsing for his greatest performance. Yet when his moment comes, nothing could have prepared him for what happens. . .' (Source: Publisher's website)
Author, Author!$!David Lodge!$! !$!Penguin!$!2005
The Death of the Author!$!Roland Barthes!$! New York!$!Hill and Wang!$!1977
y separately published work icon Night Letters : A Journey Through Switzerland and Italy Robert Dessaix , Sydney : Macmillan Australia , 1996 Z529292 1996 single work novel (taught in 7 units) “Every night for twenty nights in a hotel room in Venice, an Australian man recently diagnosed with an incurable disease writes a letter home to a friend. In these letters, against a rich background of earlier journeys in literature, with Dante as his imagined guide, he reflects on what it means to live a good life in the face of death.”
The Suspect Captivity of the Fisher King Les Murray , 1990 single work criticism (taught in 1 units)
— Appears in: Quadrant , September vol. 34 no. 9 1990; (p. 16-19) Blocks and Tackles : Articles and Essays 1982 to 1990 1990; (p. 151-158) The Paperbark Tree : Selected Prose 1992; (p. 329-336) A Working Forest : Selected Prose 1997; (p. 183-189)
The French Lieutenant's Woman!$!John Fowles!$! !$!Penguin!$!1969


Examines how contemporary authors conceive of literature's relations to life and literary theory. Aims to provide students with a critical understanding of selected classical theory (inspiration and imitation) and twentieth-century theory (primarily structuralism, post-structuralism and postmodernism) and how these inform the literary texts.


3,500-word essay (60%), 2-hr exam (40%)

Other Details

Current Campus: Launceston, Distance
Levels: Undergraduate