The third anthology in the Daikaiju (Giant Monsters) series, Giant Monsters vs the World comprises stories of impossible dimension, startling invention and big-budget spectacle by an international line-up of authors.
Non-Australian contributors are: Steven Savile, Tony Frazier, Michael Bogue, Mikel Trimm, Kiel Stuart, Nick Fox and John Heeder, Richard A. Becker, and Alys Sterling.
Wollongong : Agog! Press , 2007 pg. 21-41'Giant monsters whose every roar and footstep shakes the earth, whose simple stroll through a city wreaks havoc: KAIJU!
'And even though humankind has never really seen such monsters - we tremble at the thought of them and love to shiver as their screen versions make mayhem: the beast from twenty-thousand fathoms, Godzilla demolishing Tokyo, the massive creature in Cloverfield destroying New York, all of Earth warring with the colossal monsters in Pacific Rim.
'Now, for the first time, a definitive anthology that gathers a wide range of larger-than-life short fiction with creatures that run a gargantuan gamut: the stealthy gabbleduck of Neal Asher’s Polity universe; Gary McMahon’s huge sea-born terror; An Owomoyela’s incredibly tall alien invaders; Frank Wu’s city-razing, eighty-foot-high, fire-breathing lizard; Lavie Tidhar’s titanic ship-devouring monstrosity; a really big Midwest US smackdown related by Jeremiah Tolbert . . . and many more mega-monster stories to feed your need for killer kaiju!'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
Canton : Prime Books , 2016