Warren Braedon Warren Braedon i(6152356 works by) (a.k.a. Louis St John Johnson)
Gender: Male
Heritage: Aboriginal
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'Warren Braedon, named by his adoptive parents Louis St John Johnson, was taken from his mother in Alice Springs at just three months old. Told he had been abandoned, Louis’s adoptive parents, Bill and Pauline Johnson raised him in a loving family in Perth. Despite a happy childhood, Louis was increasingly targeted by school bullies and police for his Aboriginality. As he grew older, his need to meet his natural family prompted visits to Alice Springs with his parents, but they were thwarted by bureaucracy. He was planning to return to Alice Springs when, walking home on his nineteenth birthday, Louis was brutally murdered by a group of white youths whose admitted motive was ‘because he was black’. ' (Source: A Boy's Short Life :The true Story of Warren Braedon publisher's blurb)

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Last amended 18 Jul 2013 11:03:30
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