Dogstar, an award-winning children's animated series, follows the misfortunes of the inhabitants of a future Earth–and their dogs. According to the production company's website:
'After thousands of years of wars, pollution, undrinkable water and silly
cartoon shows, humans are forced to leave Earth and move everything and
everyone to a new planet: New Earth. But not everything goes to plan
and the Dogstar, a giant space ark containing all of the world's dogs,
becomes lost in space. On New Earth, the evil Bob Santino makes his
fortune selling canine replacement units, Robogs, and plots to ensure
the Dogstar is never found. But the Clark kids desperately miss their
real dog, Hobart, and begin a quest through space to find the Dogstar -
with Santino in hot pursuit'
Source: Media World website, (Sighted: 3/5/2012)
As of 2012, Dogstar runs to 52 episodes, or two seasons of 26 episodes each, both of which were (almost exclusively) written by Doug MacLeod and Philip Dalkin. Series one aired in 2007, and series two will air in 2012.
The first series has been adapted into book form (see note above).
The official Dogstar website is (Sighted: 3/5/2012).
Number in series: 1.01