Issue Details: First known date: 1838... vol. 4 no. 250 17 March 1838 of Commercial Journal and Advertiser est. 1835 Commercial Journal and Advertiser
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* Contents derived from the 1838 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Theatre Royal, Sydney : The Married Bachelor &c., single work advertisement

Advertisement for: Performance on 17 March 1838 of: ‘for the last time this season, the laughable Farce of The Married Bachelor, or, Master and Man', [P. P. O'Callaghan, 1821]; ‘to conclude with ... the Melo-Drama of Tower of Nesle, or, The Chamber of Death

(p. 1)
The Theatre, single work review
— Review of Melmoth the Wanderer and Walburg the Victim 1823 single work drama ; Charles the Second, or, The Merry Monarch John Howard Payne , 1824 single work drama ;

Review of performances at the Theatre Royal, Sydney on 15 March 1838.

(p. 2)
Under Special Patronage, single work advertisement

Advertisement for: 'Lithographer, Engraver, Copper-plate Printer, and Bookbinder'. In this advertisement Barlow announces the business' move to No. 3 Colonnade, Bridge Street in Sydney.

(p. 3)
500 Volumes of Books, single work advertisement

Advertisement for: Works of the most esteemed, ancient and modern authors. Catalogues to be had ‘gratis’ 3 days prior to the sale.

(p. 3)
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