'Men reviewing thinking about Australian female fiction writers.'
Guys read Gals is a social experiment.
The Australian Women Writers’ Challenge was set up to promote Australian Women Writers after it seemed that they were not getting as much press as their male counterparts were.
Rob Kennedy agreed that this was an issue but then he highlighted a more important one: it seemed to be mostly women who would discuss openly online what they had read.
Did Australian men read? Were they just not discussing what they read? What did they read? And were they reading Australian female authors? Was it to do with the perception that men had that somehow reading and reviewing books was just not something important that men did or that, dare we say it, “real” men did? Whatever a “real man” is supposed to mean.
So this site was set up. Men from anywhere can join as contributors and post their reviews of Australian women writers. We want to promote the idea that men do read, should read and should also read more books by women.
Since this is an experiment and to curb the madness a tad, we want to limit it to just fiction and just Australian female authors at this point. Over time, we hope that we can expand to more genres and nationalities if we get enough people interested in reading and reviewing.
Anyone, regardless of gender or location, is free to submit op-ed pieces and articles on the topics of men reading and/or Australian female authors for our consideration.' (Source: http://guysreadgals.wordpress.com/about/ )