
Australian Drama (DRA3AUD) Semester 1 / 2014
Australian Literature (ENG3TAL) Semester 1 / 2014
Australian Literature (ENG2AUL) Semester 1 / 2016
Australian Women's Fiction (ENG2AWF / ENG3AWF) Semester 1 / 2011
Australian Women's Fiction (ENG2AWF / ENG3AWF) Semester 1 / 2012
Auto/biography: Narratives of the Self (ENG4/5ABN) Semester 1 / 2010
Auto/biography: Narratives of the Self (ENG4/5ABN) Semester 1 / 2012
Contemporary Approaches to Literature (ENG4CAL) Semester 1 / 2014
Contemporary Approaches to Literature (ENG4CAL) Semester 1 / 2015
Contemporary Approaches to Literature (ENG4CAL) Semester 1 / 2016
Contemporary Australian Novels (ENG2CAN / ENG3CAN) 2009
Contemporary Australian Novels (ENG2CAN / ENG3CAN) Semester 2 / 2010
Contemporary Australian Novels (ENG2CAN / ENG3CAN) Semester 2 / 2011
Contemporary Australian Novels (ENG2CAN / ENG3CAN) Semester 2 / 2012
Inventing the Bush (ENG2ITB / ENG3ITB) Semester 1 / 2010
Inventing the Bush (ENG2ITB / ENG3ITB) Semester 1 / 2012
Minds, Madness and Literature (ENG4MML) Semester 1 / 2010
Narrative Analysis (ENG2AA) Semester 2 / 2014
Narrative Analysis (ENG2NAA) Semester 2 / 2015
Postcolonial Reading (ENG3PRE) Semester 1 / 2015
Postcolonial Reading (ENG3PRE) Semester 1 / 2016
Pre Postcolonial Reading (ENG2PRE) Semester 1 / 2014
Re Situating Modernism (ENG2REM) Semester 2 / 2014
Re-situating Modernism: Decolonising Contexts (ENG2REM / ENG3REM) Semester 1 / 2010
Re-situating Modernism: Decolonising Contexts (ENG2REM / ENG3REM) Semester 2 / 2011
Re-situating Modernism: Decolonising Contexts (ENG2REM / ENG3REM) Semester 2 / 2012
Reading and writing memoir (ENG4RWM) Semester 1 / 2010
Reading and writing memoir (ENG4RWM) Semester 1 / 2012
Women Writing B (ENG2WWB / ENG3WWB) Semester 2 / 2010
Women Writing B (ENG2WWB / ENG3WWB) Semester 2 / 2012
Writing Autobiography (ENG3WAB) Semester 2 / 2010
Writing Autobiography (ENG3WAB) Semester 2 / 2011
Writing Autobiography (ENG3WAB) Semester 2 / 2012
Writing Autobiography (ENG3WAB) Semester 2 / 2015
Writing Autobiography (ENG3WAB) Semester 1 / 2016
Writing Fiction (ENG2WFI / ENG3WFI) Semester 1 / 2010
Writing Fiction (ENG2WFI/ENG3WFI) Semester 2 / 2013
Writing Fiction (ENG2WFI / ENG3WFI) Semester 1, Semester 2 / 2011
Writing Fiction (ENG2WFI / ENG3WFI) Semester 1, Semester 2 / 2012
Writing Poetry (ENG2WRP / ENG3WRP) 2009
Writing Poetry (ENG2WRP/ENG3WRP) Semester 1 / 2013
Writing Poetry (ENG2WRP / ENG3WRP) Semester 2 / 2011
Writing Poetry (ENG2WRP / ENG3WRP) Semester 2 / 2012
Writing fiction (ENG4WRF) Semester 2 / 2010
Writing fiction (ENG4WRF / ENG5WRF) Semester 2 / 2011
Writing your Own Life (ENG1WYL) Semester 2 / 2010
Writing your Own Life (ENG1WYL) Semester 2 / 2012