'This week on The ABR Podcast, Toby Davidson marks the centenary of Francis Webb with an essay on the poet. Toby Davidson is the editor of Francis Webb’s Collected Poems and a senior lecturer at Macquarie University. Listen to Toby Davidson with ‘The gold standard: The centenary of Francis Webb’, published in the January-February issue of ABR.' (Production summary)
2025'This week on The ABR Podcast we feature the 2025 Peter Porter Prize shortlisted poems, as read by the five poets. Now in its twenty-first year, the Porter Prize is one of Australia’s most lucrative and respected poetry awards. It honours the life and work of the great Australian poet Peter Porter, a contributor to ABR for many years. All poets writing in English are eligible to enter.
'This year ABR received 1,171 entries from twenty-nine countries. We thank our three judges: Sarah Holland-Batt, Paul Kane and Peter Rose. Together they longlisted ten poems. From this longlist, a shortlist of five was selected by the judges. The winner of the 2025 Porter Prize will be announced at a ceremony in Melbourne in February. Details of the event, the longlist, and the judges’ reports are all available on the ABR website.' (Production summary)
2025'This week on The ABR Podcast, Georgina Arnott discusses the dilemmas of writing an entry on Judith Wright for the Australian Dictionary of Biography. Georgina Arnott is the author of The Unknown Judith Wright, editor of Judith Wright: Selected Writings, and Assistant Editor at ABR. Listen to Georgina Arnott’s ‘“Shimmering multiple and multitude”: Keeping up with Judith Wright’, published in the January-February issue of ABR.' (Production summary)