'Daniel and his companions journeyed north rescuing Poe from the hidden forces of Bauhinia, only to discover that war had been declared in their absence between Novarmere and Bauhinia. As Novarmere gears itself up for war, Daniel needs his friends more than ever. Magic that his body was not designed to hold is burning through him. Can he survive this ancient sorcery?
'Daniel thought Poe would extract the magic seeping through his veins. Unfortunately, Poe can’t help. The origins of the magic are too foreign for the young wizard. While going home to a world without magic halts the problem for a while, Princess Rishana has ordered Poe to bring Daniel back to help with their mounting problems. Nilofar’s life is endangered as he slowly Solidifies into stone, unable to reverse the process; the war effort is going too slowly for a longed for easy victory, and Bauhinia’s high Priest, Lord Boan, has released magical warriors to lead his troops.' (Publication summary)