High Roller single work   poetry   "since the only direction to take is more"
Issue Details: First known date: 2018... 2018 High Roller
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Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Multilingual Writing Project no. 1 November 2018 16844597 2018

    'Welcome to the first issue of the Australian Multilingual Writing Project journal.

    'When I first posted the call for submissions, I was unsure of what kind of response I would get. Although I knew there were poets in Australia who spoke more than one language, and that some had published or performed work in two or more languages, what I was setting out to create was different from the kind of multilingualism generally presented in Australian poetry. Usually, the focus is on translation or translatability and, more often than not, poets will use just a word or two of another language in a poem written otherwise in English. While this is understandable given that Australian establishment literature is largely monolingual, my objective was to capture the way that multilingual people actually speak and think. ' (Introduction)

    2018 periodical issue
Last amended 13 Aug 2024 10:02:29
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