'In the midst of a familygathering, Ed Sutherland Junior's life takes an unexpected turn when his father, Edward Senior, announces a surprising engagement to Susan Westford. Amidst the cheers and celebrations, Ed grapples with the reality of his own feelings and the consequences of a deal that goes beyond mere property exchange. As the family dynamics shift, Ed is left pondering his role in this life-changing decision and the true price of family loyalty.
'In a room full of blurred faces, her beauty stood out like a beacon. Ed couldn't tear his gaze away from the captivating young woman, her radiant smile melting his fears. Their smiles bridge the gap between two strangers. From that moment, their paths are destined to intertwine, and the chance encounter will change their lives forever.
'Elise Beaudin is a city girl through and through, but her heart is in the country with Ed Sutherland. Can she make the life changing transition? There are those who believe she can’t and they will go out of their way to prove it.' (Publication summary)