Issue Details: First known date: 2023... 2023 'It's the War That Didn't Suit Me' : Miss Fisher's Jack Robinson as Emblematic First World War Ex-Serviceman
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Writing Australian History On-screen : Television and Film Period Dramas “Down Under” Jo Parnell (editor), Julie Anne Taddeo (editor), Lanham : Lexington Books , 2023 28197283 2023 anthology criticism

    'Writing Australian History On-screen: Television and Film Period Dramas "Down Under" reveals the depths of Australian history from convict times to the present day. The essays in this book are thematically driven and take a rounded historical-cultural-sociological-psychological approach in analyzing the various selected productions. In their analyses and interpretations of the topic, the contributors interrogate the intricacies in Australian history as represented in Australian filmic period drama, taken from an Australian perspective. Individually, and together as a body of authors, they highlight past issues that, despite the society’s changing attitudes over time, still have relevance for the Australia of today. In speaking to the subject, the contributing writers show a keen awareness that addressing new areas arising from the humanities is key to learning; and hence to developing an understanding of the Australian culture, the society, and sense of the ever-unfurling flag of an Australian something that is not yet a national identity.' (Publication summary)

    Lanham : Lexington Books , 2023
    pg. 89-108
  • Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Deb Cox , Ysabelle Dean , Michael Miller , Liz Doran , Shelley Birse , Elizabeth Coleman , Kelly Lefever , Jo Martino , Chris Corbett , John Banas , Kristen Dunphy , Kris Wyld , Belinda Chayko , 2011 series - publisher film/TV
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