Digging up the Bodies single work   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 2020 Digging up the Bodies
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Southern Cross Crime Southern Cross Crime : The Pocket Essential Guide to the Crime Fiction, Film and TV of Australia and New Zealand Craig Sisterson , Harpenden : Oldcastle Books , 2020 18828160 2020 multi chapter work criticism

    'Australian and New Zealand crime and thriller writing is booming globally, with antipodean authors regularly featuring on awards and bestseller lists across Europe and North America, and overseas readers and publishers looking more and more to tales from lands Down Under.

    'Hailing from two sparsely populated nations on the far edge of the former Empire — neighbours that are siblings in spirit, vastly different in landscape — Australian and New Zealand crime writers offer readers a blend of exotic and familiar, seasoned by distinctive senses of place, outlook, and humour, and roots that trace to the earliest days of our genre.

    'Southern Cross Crime is the first comprehensive guide to modern Australian and New Zealand crime writing. From coastal cities to the Outback, leading critic Craig Sisterson showcases key titles from more than 200 storytellers, plus screen dramas ranging from Mystery Road to Top of the Lake. Fascinating insights are added through in-depth interviews with some of the prime suspects who paved the way or instigated the global boom, including Jane Harper, Michael Robotham, Paul Cleave, Emma Viskic, Paul Thomas, and Candice Fox.' (Publication summary)

    Harpenden : Oldcastle Books , 2020
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