'RUNT is a heartfelt and hilarious contemporary Australian family feature film, set in the country town of Upson Downs. It tells the story of eleven-year-old Annie Shearer and her best friend, an adopted stray dog called Runt, who try to save their family farm by competing in the Agility Course Grand Championships at the prestigious Krumpets Dog Show in London. Annie lives on the struggling sheep farm with her brother Max, her parents Bryan and Susie, and Annie’s grandma Dolly.'
Source: Screenwest.
'A rescue terrier shines in this charming adaptation of the children’s book about a dog whose tournament skills might just save the family farm'
'When young Annie Shearer (Lilly LaTorre) meets a stray dog named Runt (Squid) the two become inseparable.'
'When young Annie Shearer (Lilly LaTorre) meets a stray dog named Runt (Squid) the two become inseparable.'
'A rescue terrier shines in this charming adaptation of the children’s book about a dog whose tournament skills might just save the family farm'