Uncle Mik (Erik) Edwards single work   life story  
Issue Details: First known date: 2023... 2023 Uncle Mik (Erik) Edwards
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Telling : Stories of Resilience from Nairm Marr Djambana Sina Summers (editor), Nairm Marr Djambana Aboriginal Corporation (editor), Broome : Magabala Books , 2023 26642698 2023

    'The 12 short life stories in Telling are grounded in First Nations storytelling traditions and reveal the diverse and complex nature of the experience of living in the wake of colonialisation. Telling fits with this year’s NAIDOC theme, For Our Elders. It also speaks to the contemporary political movement for truth-telling and Treaty in Victoria and nationally. The voices of First Nations Elders living in Victoria are prioritised and honoured in this work.

    'These stories are from all over Australia. Each Elder reflects on intergenerational trauma, Stolen Generations, reconnection and resistance, demonstrating their deeply felt Black pride and joy and celebrating their stories of survival.

    'Aunty Yvonne Luke recounts her epic journey of reconnecting to Alyawerre country after several generations of removal. Koori leader Uncle Mik Edwards describs his brave story of survival after being removed forcibly from his family in 1967, and Marion Hansen tells of her surprise at being crowned Miss NAIDOC in 1969.

    'The evocative photographs provided by the authors bring an intimacy to this vital historical testimony that will be enjoyed by Indigenous and non-Indigenous readers alike.' (Publication summary)

    Broome : Magabala Books , 2023 anthology life story Indigenous story
    pg. 39-44
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