Opening the Military Door, 1945-65 single work   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 2018... 2018 Opening the Military Door, 1945-65
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Serving Our Country : Indigenous Australians, War, Defence and Citizenship Joan Beaumont (editor), Allison Cadzow (editor), Sydney : NewSouth Publishing , 2018 13182997 2018 anthology criticism

    'After decades of silence, Serving Our Country is the first comprehensive history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s participation in the Australian defence forces.

    'While Indigenous Australians have enlisted in the defence forces since the Boer War, for much of this time they defied racist restrictions and were denied full citizenship rights on their return to civilian life. In Serving Our Country Mick Dodson, John Maynard, Joan Beaumont, Noah Riseman, Alison Cadzow, and others, reveal the courage, resilience, and trauma of Indigenous defence personnel and their families, and document the long struggle to gain recognition for their role in the defence of Australia.' (Publication summary)

    Sydney : NewSouth Publishing , 2018