Why the Bridgemasters of York Don't Pay Taxes single work   short story   fantasy  
Issue Details: First known date: 2022... 2022 Why the Bridgemasters of York Don't Pay Taxes
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Other Covenants : Alternate Histories of the Jewish People Andrea D. Lobel (editor), Mark Shainblum (editor), New Jersey : Ben Yehuda Press , 2022 27280591 2022 anthology short story


    An adult Anne Frank, living out her golden years in Florida.

    Moses in his basket, floating all the way to the wilds of Scotland.

    An alternate Israel, with zeppelins and ray-guns, hiding a terrible secret.

    A Holocaust that succeeded beyond Hitler’s wildest dreams, yet unable to extinguish hope.

    'What is more Jewish than musings about other histories and other timelines? Even the Passover Haggadah asks “What if the Holy One, blessed be He, had not taken our ancestors out of Egypt?”

    'Alternate history asks and tries to answer the unanswerable: What if the Exodus from Egypt had failed? What if the Holocaust had not occurred? What if England had repented of its persecution of the Jews? What if Kabbalah was a popular movie genre? What if Christianity had never split off from Judaism?

    'These are just some of the scenarios you’ll find in Other Covenants: Alternate Histories of the Jewish People. The first-ever anthology of Jewish alternate histories, Other Covenants contains stories and poems from some of the world’s greatest speculative fiction authors, who explore these and other historical roads not taken.'

    Source: Publisher's blurb.

    New Jersey : Ben Yehuda Press , 2022
    pg. 40-48
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