The Plan single work   poetry   "6 a.m. Still winter dark."
Issue Details: First known date: 2023... 2023 The Plan
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Meniscus vol. 11 no. 2 2023 27193078 2023 periodical issue poetry

    'Welcome to Meniscus volume 11, issue 2. We weren’t sure, eleven years ago, if we’d be able to get a new literary journal up and running, but thanks to our contributors and readers, it has after all happened. Thank you for making our work (a) possible and (b) so rewarding.

    'For this issue, there was a very large submissions pile, both poetry and prose. This means that far too much quality work was, necessarily, rejected. The principles for selecting about 60 poems and 18 prose works out of over 1,000 submissions required us to make very difficult decisions. The aim was to produce an issue with a balance of style, voice, and content, and ensuring we include some new writers alongside well-established voices.' (Jen Webb and Ginna Brock: Editorial introduction)

    pg. 19-20
  • Sydney, New South Wales,
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