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1 y separately published work icon Lest They Be Lost : A Lifetime of Little Ponderings Wendy Baarda Nangala , Alice Springs : Clear Mind Press , 2024 29602657 2024 selected work poetry
1 y separately published work icon Journey to the Edge Women! Journey to the Edge Shan , Alice Springs : Clear Mind Press , 2023 29603134 2023 single work novel

'In Book 3 of Women!; Journey to the Edge, Shan travels to the edge and settles in Alice Springs, Central Australia.'

Source: Publisher's burb.

1 y separately published work icon The Spirit of the Fox Women! The Spirit of the Fox Shan , Alice Springs : Clear Mind Press , 2023 29603079 2023 single work novel

'In The Spirit of the Fox, Shan unravels the traumas of childhood with her American psychiatrist, Doctor Vossberg in Tokyo. Vossberg is not licenced to prescribe medication in Japan. They must walk through the storm unarmed. Vossberg refers her to the Zen practitioner and 'nun in the wild', Tomato-Chan.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Crying Mothers Women! Crying Mothers Shan , Alice Springs : Clear Mind Press , 2023 29603012 2023 single work novel

'In "Crying Mothers" Shan describes a childhood and coming of age against the background of the Summer of Love in the Netherlands and Belgium.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Women! Shan , Alice Springs : Clear Mind Press , 2023 29602959 2023 series - author novel

'Women! is a long novel about women. The main character, Shan, believes the women in her life are 'willing slaves of the West'. The book takes the form of a memoir but is considered a novel due to the potential unreliability of human memories.'

Source: Clear Mind Press ( (Sighted: 20/02/2025)

1 y separately published work icon Unmasking a Marriage Patricia May , Alice Springs : Clear Mind Press , 2023 29602815 2023 single work novel

'In Unmasking a Marriage, Sal finds herself feeling unexpectedly content during her stay in hospital. The routine, care, and attention she receives is all she needs to turn her back on home and release herself to the possibility of a different future. Embracing her new freedom, the novel takes a haunting turn.

'This exquisite exploration of contrast delves into the complexities of identity, purpose, and the meaning of home. As she navigates her way through her own desires and the expectations of others, readers will be entranced by this emotionally resonant story.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon The Carpetbaggers of Mbantua Shan , Alice Springs : Clear Mind Press , 2023 27114786 2023 single work novella

'In Alice Springs one can reinvent oneself. This is exactly what Hank Jefferson needs. His wife, Bettina, disagrees. Hank settles in Alice Springs nevertheless and learns about the local art trade from Blue, a local Aboriginal man. Bettina's revenge does not work out the way she intended it to...

'The dark world of the art trade in Alice Springs is described in this novella. Although they are located a short distance from town now, the painting sheds still exist. Carpetbaggers are still roaming at dawn.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.